
March 19, 2011

Last year at the prologue event of Le Tour de France 2010 I took a snap of Alberto Contador as he flew just inches in front of me as I pressed against the guardrail.

Little did I know that I would end up contributing it to a Argentine elementary school magazine named Compinches (which I believe roughly translates to “Buddies”) Last week I was lucky enough to receive a copy of the publication from its editor so I could see my photo in use – a big thank you for send it so far. Surely the world is shrinking at a far more rapid rate than I had ever anticipated; who would have thought that a photo taken by an Australian tourist in Holland would wind up being published in an Argentine journal. For me to then receive the final work in my mailbox back in Perth is surely a testament to the socially connective power of the internet. Now, if only I could speak Spanish…

2 Responses to “Compinches”

  1. Hola! Espanol es mas facile. Aprender ese pronto!

    Congrats on photo! And seriously, Spanish is not heard to learn.

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