
June 4, 2010

NoordermarktAfter last week’s experiences with the Albert Cuypmarkt, it seemed prudent to try the other “talked about” market in Amsterdam, the Noordermarkt (North Market).  As the story goes, one should visit the Noordermarkt on a Saturday morning, where you can take advantage of the boerenmarkt (farmer’s market) as well as a leisurely walk around the flea markets, where you can find an abundance of interesting trinkets.  Sifting through the contents of someone’s house might not appeal to everyone, but here it is certainly a low-cost way to spend a Saturday morning.  Besides, if you happen to get hungry, there is always apple pie close by.

According to legend (in this case, my borrowed travel guide), the Noordermarkt has been around since 1627 and has always stood in the shadow of the Noorderkerk (North Church), which was built in 1623.  So, if you don’t go for the market, go for the history and the ambiance.

Also nearby, the tasty Lekkeresluis awaits those who seek it.

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